584 research outputs found

    Computing vs. Genetics

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    This chapter first presents the interrelations between computing and genetics, which both are based on information and, particularly, self-reproducing artificial systems. It goes on to examine genetic code from a computational viewpoint. This raises a number of important questions about genetic code. These questions are stated in the form of an as yet unpublished working hypothesis. This hypothesis suggests that many genetic alterations are caused by the last base of certain codons. If this conclusive hypothesis were to be confirmed through experiementation if would be a significant advance for treating many genetic diseases

    Programas abiertos como principio del método de teoría en inteligencia artificial

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    Esta tesis pretende sentar las bases para la construcción de una teoría de la inteligencia artificial que consiga la enantiodromia de las dos líneas de investigación actuales: simulación y ejecucion. El objetivo principal es el diseño de un sistema neuristico capaz de: (1) tener en cuenta el pasado aprendiendo de su propia experiencia y mejorando sus prestaciones (2) realizar prospecciones de futuro y (3) poseer un cierto tipo de intuicion para resolver situaciones insolitas o no previstas a priori . La experimentación del sistema se llevo a cabo con el problema del acoso. Obteniendose: (a) el sistema resuelto ser compuesto y abierto (b) revelo la existencia de una estrategia admisible de revolución del problema (c) probo la irrelevancia de la longitud del domino de resolución (d) alcanzo un alto grado de adaptabilidad al usar funciones de evaluació

    El derecho de la villa de Santillana del Mar a través de su fuero (1209)

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    La concessió del fur a la vila de Santillana del Mar el 1209, encara que amb interessos distints dels que projectava la seva política marinera, ha d'inserir-se dins de la política del rei Alfons VIII respecte de les viles septentrionals del regne de Castella, igualment dotades de fur: Castro Urdiales (1163), Santander (1187), Laredo (1200) i, després, San Vicente de la Barquera (1210). La concessió del fur a Santillana va significar la regulació institucional de les relacions entre el titular de l'abadia i els veïns de la nova vila i va facilitar un notable creixement econòmic mercès a l'assentament de nous pobladors que, atrets per la bondat de la carta foral, es dedicaren al cultiu de les noves terres roturades i al desenvolupament d'activitats econòmiques i artesanals a través del mercat. El fur de Santillana forma part, amb el de Santander, de l'àmplia família de furs d'una altra vila de renom, Sahagún (1085,1152), dotada d'un règim jurídic privilegiat, d'origen franc, que és comú a totes les viles d'aquesta mateixa família.The grant of a charter to the town of Santillana del Mar in 1209, although with interests different from those presented by its maritime policy, should be considered within the framework of King Alfonso VIIIs policy towards the northern towns of the Kingdom of Castile which were also endowed with charters: Castro Urdiales (1163), Santander (1187), Laredo (1200) and later San Vicente de la Barquera (1210). Indeed, the grant of the charter to Santillana represented the institutional regulation of the relations between the Lord Abbot of the local abbey and the residents of the new town, fostering notable economic growth there thanks to the establishment of new settlers who, drawn by the advantages of the Charter, devoted themselves to the cultivation of the new cleared lands and to economic and craft activities which were channelled through the towns market. The Charter of Santillana, together with that of Santander, forms part of the large family of charters of another town under the abadengo regime of abbatial lordship, Sahagún (1085, 1152), which had a privilege legal system of Frankish origin, common to all the towns of this group.La concesión del fuero a la villa de Santillana del Mar en 1209, aunque con intereses distintos de los que proyectaba su política marinera, debe insertarse dentro de la política del rey Alfonso VIII respecto de las villas septentrionales del reino de Castilla, igualmente dotadas de fuero: Castro Urdiales (1163), Santander (1187), Laredo (1200) y, después, San Vicente de la Barquera (1210). La concesión del fuero a Santillana supuso la regulación institucional de las relaciones entre el titular de la abadía y los vecinos de la nueva villa y facilitó un notable crecimiento económico gracias al asentamiento de nuevos pobladores que, atraídos por la bondad de la carta foral, se dedicaron al cultivo de las nuevas tierras roturadas y al desempeño de actividades económicas y artesanales a través del mercado. El fuero de Santillana forma parte, con el de Santander, de la amplia familia de fueros de otra villa de abadengo, Sahagún (1085, 1152), dotada de un régimen jurídico privilegiado, de origen franco, que es común a todas las villas de esta misma familia

    ¿Por qué no hay Nobel en Matemáticas? Rencor u Olvido

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    La inexistencia del premio Nobel en Matemáticas ha intrigado desde siempre a la comundiad científica y ha llevado a la creación de diversos permios que tratan de suplir su falta. En este artículo se analizan algunas de las causas que puideron llevar a Nobel a tomar su decisión: ¿Olvido? ¿Odio a las matemáticas? ¿No las consideraba importantes? ¿Rencores personales? Por supuesto, la verdad solamente la conoce Alfred Noel. Sin embargo, un análsis de su vida, su personalidad y sus relaciones personales arrojan lus sobre el asunto, de modo que, con probabilidad rayana en la certeza, la hipótesis más pausible es que la razón de ello fue el rencor

    Solving SAT in linear time with a neural-like membrane system

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    We present in this paper a neural-like membrane system solving the SAT problem in linear time. These neural Psystems are nets of cells working with multisets. Each cell has a finite state memory, processes multisets of symbol-impulses, and can send impulses (?excitations?) to the neighboring cells. The maximal mode of rules application and the replicative mode of communication between cells are at the core of the eficiency of these systems

    Co-evolution and co-adaptation in protein networks

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    AbstractInteracting or functionally related proteins have been repeatedly shown to have similar phylogenetic trees. Two main hypotheses have been proposed to explain this fact. One involves compensatory changes between the two protein families (co-adaptation). The other states that the tree similarity may be an indirect consequence of the involvement of the two proteins in similar cellular process, which in turn would be reflected by similar evolutionary pressure on the corresponding sequences. There are published data supporting both propositions, and currently the available information is compatible with both hypotheses being true, in an scenario in which both sets of forces are shaping the tree similarity at different levels

    Building a Chemical Ontology using Methontology and the Ontology Design Environment

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    Hardware implementation of a true random number generator integrating a hexagonal boron nitride memristor with a commercial microcontroller

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    The development of the internet-of-things requires cheap, light, small and reliable true random number generator (TRNG) circuits to encrypt the data—generated by objects or humans—before transmitting them. However, all current solutions consume too much power and require a relatively large battery, hindering the integration of TRNG circuits on most objects. Here we fabricated a TRNG circuit by exploiting stable random telegraph noise (RTN) current signals produced by memristors made of two-dimensional (2D) multi-layered hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) grown by chemical vapor deposition and coupled with inkjet-printed Ag electrodes. When biased at small constant voltages (≤70 mV), the Ag/h-BN/Ag memristors exhibit RTN signals with very low power consumption (∼5.25 nW) and a relatively high current on/off ratio (∼2) for long periods (>1 hour). We constructed TRNG circuits connecting an h-BN memristor to a small, light and cheap commercial microcontroller, producing a highly-stochastic, high-throughput signal (up to 7.8 Mbit s−1) even if the RTN at the input gets interrupted for long times up to 20 s, and if the stochasticity of the RTN signal is reduced. Our study presents the first full hardware implementation of 2Dmaterial- based TRNGs, enabled by the unique stability and figures of merit of the RTN signals in h-BN based memristors.Ministry of Science and Technology, China 2019YFE0124200 2018YFE0100800National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 61874075Collaborative Innovation Centre of Suzhou Nano Science and TechnologyPriority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions111 Project from the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs of ChinaKing Abdullah University of Science & TechnologyMinisterio de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion (MINCyT) PICT 2016/0579 PME 2015-0196 PICTE 2018-0192 UTN-FRBA CCUTIBA4764TC MATUNBA4936 CCUTNBA5182 CCUTNBA661

    Study of classical conditioning in Aplysia through the implementation of computational models of its learning circuit

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    “This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence on 04 Jul 2007, available online: http://wwww.tandfonline.com/DOI:10.1080/09528130601052177.”The learning phenomenon can be analysed at various levels, but in this paper we treat a specific paradigm of artificial intelligence, i.e. artificial neural networks (ANNs), whose main virtue is their capacity to seek unified and mutually satisfactory solutions which are relevant to biological and psychological models. Many of the procedures and methods proposed previously have used biological and/or psychological principles, models, and data; here, we focus on models which look for a greater degree of coherence. Therefore we analyse and compare all aspects of the Gluck–Thompson and Hawkins ANN models. A multithread computer model is developed for analysis of these models in order to study simple learning phenomena in a marine invertebrate (Aplysia californica) and to check their applicability to research in psychology and neurobiology. The predictive capacities of the models differs significantly: the Hawkins model provides a better analysis of the behavioural repertory of Aplysia on both the associative and the non-associative learning level. The scope of the ANN modelling technique is broadened by integration with neurobiological and behavioural models of associative learning, allowing enhancement of some architectures and procedures that are currently being used